This is the legacy site. The current web site is here
I am starting to put together a series of videos dealing with how I ride Icelandic Horses. This is a work in progress and you can see it here
Oakfield Farm are now running clicker training courses. Details of what we are up to are on this link
The sales list is out of date and will be updated when I have horses for sale. There are a couple under training who will be for sale later this year, All horses sold have a 4 week money back period for low risk horse buying .
We are active on Facebook as Oakfield Farm
On to the rest of the site, horribly out of date and will be worked on soon day job permitting.
It was Jane's idea, a night time
ride at Halloween
Winter Woollies 2009 People have fun
being silly.
Show Results Archive I have collated the results of as many shows as I can and put them all on an archive page. Updated April 2013
Mike Loades and a film crew visited us
2008 Foal born
11th April 2008
Arrived at Oakfield 24th April 2007
Icelandics in the
snow and the camera comes out!
Foal Pictures here A little
filly born early on the 16th March 2005.
Next batch here More pictures of her first day
2003 Events. We managed to get out and about a bit with the
horses in 2003. Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to
Foal growing up Sol's foal has become extremely fluffy for
winter 2004/2005
Oakfield Icelandics A bit about our farm and horses.
2003 Foal For those who wanted to see her here is Sol's foal just after she was born.
The Icelandic Grin Riding Icelandics often leads to large grins due to the fun people are having
The Oakfield Gang A little bit about all the horses that live at Oakfield Farm
Icelandics can be driven as well as ridden
Rides Out with the Oakfield Gang A little about some of the rides we do from Oakfield Farm
Some pictures of our young horses trying to eat Colin's Jeep!
Picture Gallery, Lots of pictures of Icelandic Horses